Peter Messervy's Testimonial

My first session with Peter provided the things I was hoping it would, and much more. He spent time listening to me initially, asking the hard questions and guiding me through answering them. He started a process of growth both personally and professionally that feels like a marker, a stake in the ground which I am calling, Pre Messervy and Post Messervy.

From that very first session, I starting breaking the big goals down into daily manageable tasks. But more importantly I found out truly what my goals were. What I’d need to do to achieve them, and in turn I grew a lot personally.

Having been a life long coaster, I really started losing drive and ambition because I wondered if it were for other people, and I’d get there in the end without goals; but you forget that whatever they are whether personal, financial, entrepreneurial or otherwise we all should have a dream goal, otherwise, when we pull back the arrow in the ever tightening bow-string that is life…where do we expect that arrow to land when we launch it out into the world. Without aim, you’re just crossing your fingers with closed eyes and praying for a direct hit…with planning and constant goal achievement we can not only tell when we will hit the bullseye but we are totally in control.

Thanks Peter!
Graham Bradshaw, Thirst Films

- Graham Bradshaw, February 2020
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